Well well well. A belly full of wendy's, a mat of hair full of rain, and a head full of relaxation and tingling remnants of alcohol - and I feel fine.
This past shift was pretty decent. Not overly decent, but definitely decent-ish. I've had to crackdown on my quality, apparently a tiny shovel slit the size of a fingernail qualifies as a frost pocket, or an "open hole", and thus I have had to spend an extra 5-10 seconds squeezing them shut. As a result of this, I have been planting perfect trees.. ever so slowly. Yet I still managed to break a thou every day, so I'm not too disappointed.
My last piece was fun - steep uphill slash almost a metre thick, where planting one tree requires a complete 5 minute excavation of trees, logs, twigs, and moss. Lots of sweaty fun, nonetheless. Speaking of which, we threw an emergency dance party last night in camp, which was amusing and quite humourous. I got my jig on to some swinging beats all night long. Yet now I suffer the consequences with cramps in various parts of my body - most likely karma doing it's deed for sloppy dance moves.
So Kirsten left our crew to go chill with her boyfriend whom is planting at a different company, about 4 people in our crew have tendonitis, and thus only Levi, Cody, and I have been pounding trees. I often wonder who will be left by the end of the season - in fact, I think this would make a fox-worthy reality series. You could call it "Last Planter Screefin'" or something like that. Man that would be entertaining.
So I promised you pictures, however I cannot find Katie and her digital camera - so the pictures shall have to wait. To compensate, I'll give you a vivid description of what I currently look like. Lets see, wild scraggly curly fro with the odd twig nestled within, drool stains here and hither on my face, dirty eyebrows and sanchez moustache - in fact I look quite reminiscent of an illegal border hopping mexican immigrant - not to be stereotypical, but seriously - I do! Then there's the dirt-in-nail cut up fingers, the stark contrasting watch tan, and stained pants. Yep, a real beaut.
Heheh, anyway - I've been trying to figure out which courses I'm going to take.. and the lists are humongous.. It shall take some time, but I've already found a few which look really cool. For instance, Life off of earth - which is a science course all about how life could subsist on crazy planets like mars. Lots of cool stuff to choose.. gah it's too much.
Well, that's it for this week - I will try and get some photos up, so stay snappy!
J-root Macduff
This past shift was pretty decent. Not overly decent, but definitely decent-ish. I've had to crackdown on my quality, apparently a tiny shovel slit the size of a fingernail qualifies as a frost pocket, or an "open hole", and thus I have had to spend an extra 5-10 seconds squeezing them shut. As a result of this, I have been planting perfect trees.. ever so slowly. Yet I still managed to break a thou every day, so I'm not too disappointed.
My last piece was fun - steep uphill slash almost a metre thick, where planting one tree requires a complete 5 minute excavation of trees, logs, twigs, and moss. Lots of sweaty fun, nonetheless. Speaking of which, we threw an emergency dance party last night in camp, which was amusing and quite humourous. I got my jig on to some swinging beats all night long. Yet now I suffer the consequences with cramps in various parts of my body - most likely karma doing it's deed for sloppy dance moves.
So Kirsten left our crew to go chill with her boyfriend whom is planting at a different company, about 4 people in our crew have tendonitis, and thus only Levi, Cody, and I have been pounding trees. I often wonder who will be left by the end of the season - in fact, I think this would make a fox-worthy reality series. You could call it "Last Planter Screefin'" or something like that. Man that would be entertaining.
So I promised you pictures, however I cannot find Katie and her digital camera - so the pictures shall have to wait. To compensate, I'll give you a vivid description of what I currently look like. Lets see, wild scraggly curly fro with the odd twig nestled within, drool stains here and hither on my face, dirty eyebrows and sanchez moustache - in fact I look quite reminiscent of an illegal border hopping mexican immigrant - not to be stereotypical, but seriously - I do! Then there's the dirt-in-nail cut up fingers, the stark contrasting watch tan, and stained pants. Yep, a real beaut.
Heheh, anyway - I've been trying to figure out which courses I'm going to take.. and the lists are humongous.. It shall take some time, but I've already found a few which look really cool. For instance, Life off of earth - which is a science course all about how life could subsist on crazy planets like mars. Lots of cool stuff to choose.. gah it's too much.
Well, that's it for this week - I will try and get some photos up, so stay snappy!
J-root Macduff
Yay, james looks like retro coach Z!
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