Friday, May 12, 2006

The Good, The Bad, and the Muddy.

Just when you think you've had it tough, everything gets a whole lot tougher.

This has been interesting week to say the least. To begin this little update, I will tell you about our little snowstorm. Yes, that's right - snowstorm. So I'm out there working my tail to the bone in thick mud, my gloves soaking wet and covered in a thick icing of chunky dirt, and my hips and knees aching with each stride, when all of sudden - to top off a peachy day, we begin to get hailed on. Luckily I had my fleece jacket on which sheltered me somewhat. We went from a bright, sunny, and sweaty morning to a dreary, cold, and hellish afternoon. After the hail subsided, mother nature decided to unleash her treacherous dandruff upon our freezing and tired souls. It was the first time I've experienced snow in May, and I did not like it one bit. After cursing at the top of my lungs in frustration each time my numb hands had to pry a tree in a hole, finally my foreman came up to me and said - "how's it going?". I replied in a bitter tone, "SUPER!". I spent the rest of the afternoon in the truck with three other guys from my crew, using the dogs as hand warmers. I still planted 750 that day.

Then there was the day where I decided to plant a thousand trees. I thought I'd put myself to the test, both physically and mentally - and so I planned it out that I would plant at least a hundred trees per hour. I had a nice and flat grassy piece, so it was pretty sweet. I planted over 120 trees every hour, ran back - bagged up, had a quick snack, then booked it back onto my piece. My body was put in overdrive. Finally, after a long, hard, and somewhat restless day, I planted 1180 trees - approximately $150. It felt great.. except not the next day. I literally had zero energy left, I just stumbled about in slothlike style, just barely using enough force to get that shovel in the ground. This has taught me a valuable lesson: there will always be good days and bad days.

So we go to set up camp today, which should prove to be fun and exciting. Our crew doesn't even have to help out, because we decided to plant the rest of the private woodlot contract yesterday. Instead of the usual ontario-esque flat and slashy planting, we ended up working near the mountains on this huge hilly piece. You have no idea how tiring it is lugging 250 trees up a 70 degree hill. It was awesome though. We planted in groups, and Dan and I kept singing our own made up songs to keep ourselves amused and sane. For instance, here's a little diddy that I came up with:

Hey hey we're the planters,
and people say we're planting around,
but we're to busy screefin',
to put any trees in the ground!

Sung in the style of the popular Monkees tune. Hehehe ahhh good times. Speaking of good times, I got my groove on at a club last night. Busted many a move, drank many a beer, and laughed many.. uhh.. lot? Before that escapade, Dustin, Graham, Levi, Katie and I chilled at the Prince George aquatic centre in the hot tub. You have no idea how extremely good that felt. I was utterly and completely relaxed. Ahhh 'twas nice. I then blew twenty bucks at a bar and grill entitiled "Earl's" with the crew, which was also very nice.

Anyhoo, I have to check out of this motel like.. now, so I will blog some more later on when I have the chance.

Keep it real,


Blogger Tenon said...

hey Jameso - fabulous post - congrats on exceeding 1000 trees that day - I knew you could do it! Sounds like a wild time - hang in there, snow and all.

Hope the old tent setup works out well - don't forget to tie that tarp rope Tight - the last thing you need in the middle of the night is a loose flapping and dripping tarp.

Anyway - take care bud. Sounds like you will be in amazing shape by the time you are done. Glad you have a one man and three woman tent! Hope the old iPod tunes are still working for you. I am here with Dave listening to some old blues...on Jazz fm. Funky but cool in that old retro style.

Keep writing bud - excellent stuff!

Take good care of yourself,


7:36 PM  

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