Sunday, May 28, 2006

Too little time at these internet cafes

This is going to be a short little update, simply because I have like ten minutes left on this emaciated time limit at the London Drugs internet cafe.

To sum up in a brief burst of blog:

- helicopter ride to work = AWESOME. Seriously, I love this job.
- $200+ days = yummy
- replanting for 2 hours = retchid. Utterly terrible.
- Random humongous clouds and bursts of rain = interesting... and frustrating.

I will compensate for this measly diet of a blog with a hefty load next week.. with PICTURES!

So stay tuned!

peace and love,


Blogger Chris Nagy said...

Yay, James is having the fun! 200 smackers a day? sick! Went to AN last weekend, got some pictures so check it out when you have some time

5:16 PM  

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